RimWorld Multiplayer Mod ⋆ RimWorld Base (2024)

The RimWorld Multiplayer Mod allows you to play RimWorld together with your friends, which means that you can finally go around and make those lovely human leather hats together with your favorite group of people while at the same time performing the many war crimes of RimWorld!

If you are experiencing any issues with the mod please ask for help on ourdiscord server instead of in the comments here, as it will be much easier for us to give you the necessary help there as we don’t provide support from the workshop page. This is also where we accept mod compatibility reports.

RimWorld Multiplayer Mod features

  • Play with as many players as you want to! (We recommend a max of 8 though)
  • Integrated with the steam api, so no portforwarding is needed.
  • Can auto sync config files, download enabled workshop mods between the host and players. (Only via steam)
  • Compatable with Royalty and 98% of all features except for colony naming, certain quests, and dev tools.
  • Supports multi-colony setups. You can enable async time which makes each colony run their time separately.
  • You can connect through either lan, steam, or direct connect (Latter requires you to portforward or use a vpn)
  • Mod support. (Not all mods will work in multiplayer. Please read the “Using mods in multiplayer” if you plan on using them)
  • Mod support status is shown directly in the ingame mod menu.
  • API so you can easily add support for the multiplayer mod. You can read more about it here:API documentation.


What should the load order be like?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- Harmony -> Core -> (Royalty) -> Multiplayer ->Multiplayer Compatibility Mod-> All other mods.

How do i use direct connect?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- Look up how to port forward and open 30502 with UDP, upon hosting in-game you’ll need to input into the direct field. Clients will join with youpublic IPaddress.
You can find your public ip by searching for it on google etc…
‏‏‏‎If this does not work the connection ‏‏‎‏‏‎is likely being blocked by a firewall somewhere.

What ports need to be portforwarded in case i want to use direct?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- 30502 through UDP

Are mods supported?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- 99% of XML mods will work nativity, C# mods may need a patch or theMultiplayer Compatibility Modto function.

What is the arbiter?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- The arbiter is a second instance of RimWorld used as an extra check against desyncs; this can cause more desyncs depending on mods or having Royalty installed.

Does it work between different operating systems?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- Yes, the mod fully supports cross-os play between windows, mac and linux.

Can I change my ingame username?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ – Yes, your name can be changed under mod options in-game.

Why does simulation take so long?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ – Simulations takes place from the last auto-save made, so if you make a save from the esc menu it’ll eliminate the simulation time. The same applies to resyncing, so if the host forces a full save before someone resyncs it will also remove their simulation time.

Can each player have their own separate faction or colony?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- You can currently not have multiple player factions or completely separate player colonies. But you can still make multiple colonies that all players can control.

How do i convert my multiplayer save to a single player save?
‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎- This can be done by hitting ESC while in game and selecting “Convert to Singleplayer”.
Currently this will result in a save that can’t be converted back to Multiplayer without chance of corruption, these saves can however still be used in Singleplayer.

RimWorld Multiplayer Mod ⋆ RimWorld Base (1)

A few things to note when using mods with multiplayer:

  • When using mods in multiplayer you must make sure they’re listed as compatible with the multiplayer mod.
  • You can check compatibility status on our modlist spreadsheetor in-game via the modlist.
  • Your configs and mod order will be shared with all connecting clients, however any time you edit a config mid game, you must re-share these by having the clients leave and re-join.
  • Do not mix local copies and workshop mods (as in if the host uses a workshop version of a mod the other player also has to) as it will likely cause issues if they are mixed. This also means you generally can’t have both a local and workshop copy downloaded if you are a connecting client. You can still use them together, but it has to be for the same mods on both the host and clients side.

Location of the config folder on windows, mac and linux:

  • On windows it’s located at: “C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config”
  • On mac it’s located at: “~/Library/Application\ Support/RimWorld/Config/”
  • On linux it’s located at: “~/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Config”

RimWorld Multiplayer Mod ⋆ RimWorld Base (2)
Discord server
Modlist spreadsheet Contains a list of all mods compatible with the multiplayer mod.
Multiplayer Mod wiki
Multiplayer Compatibility Mod

RimWorld Multiplayer Mod ⋆ RimWorld Base (3)

Zetrith (Creator, Core Dev, Support)[ko-fi.com]
NotFood (Core Dev, Mod Compatiblity)[ko-fi.com]
Sokyran (Core Dev, Mod Compatiblity)[ko-fi.com]
Luz (Support/Admin)[ko-fi.com]
Mistress Mia (Support/Admin)[ko-fi.com]
Thomas107500 (Dev, Mod Compatiblity)[ko-fi.com]
Nebual (Dev)[ko-fi.com]
Swept (Support, Dev, Admin, Website)[ko-fi.com]

RimWorld Multiplayer Mod ⋆ RimWorld Base (2024)


Does the RimWorld multiplayer mod work? ›

Yes, but not all mods will work in multiplayer. Check out the complete spreadsheet list here or use the #mod-check channel in our Discord to find compatible mods. Enabled mods and their settings/configs also need to be identical, this is done automatically in 1.1 but for 1.0 you manually need to do it.

How big should my colony be RimWorld? ›

You can make it work with any number, though. I find my colony workflow to be smoothest for my playstyle when I have 15-25 colonists, but I think a lot is personal preference and I know some people enjoy even bigger colonies while some people like tiny ones with just a few colonists.

Does age matter in RimWorld? ›

Biologically older characters will tend to have higher skills, developed by experience. They may also have gray hair and age-related health difficulties such as cataracts, a bad back, dementia, or frailty.

What is the best way to increase population RimWorld? ›

RimWorld: 8 Tips For Gaining More Colonists
  1. 8 Take Raiders Prisoner And Recruit Them. ...
  2. 7 Attack Visitors Or Caravans. ...
  3. 6 Rescue Or Capture Transport Pod Crashes And Recruit Them. ...
  4. 5 Have Children (Biotech DLC) ...
  5. 4 Raid Other Factions. ...
  6. 3 Accept Quests To Rescue Colonists. ...
  7. 2 Tame Wild People That Wander In.
Apr 16, 2024

Is RimWorld safe to add mods mid game? ›

Some games will require you to relaunch them before the item will be downloaded. "Don't add or remove mods mid-save". This is often the advice passed around within the RimWorld modding community.

Do mods slow down RimWorld? ›

The more mods you have, the slower the game will be as you continue to play. It doesn't matter how good your computer is. The game can't handle 400 mods. Some mods have a greater impact on performance than others.

What is the ideal number of colonists Rimworld? ›

Personally, I find that six to eight colonists is the ideal number. It's manageable while still increasing the colony's power, allowing you to take on most raids or random events in the game. I know many people prefer 10-12, however. It's up to you!

What is the best room size for colonists Rimworld? ›

So, if you want to make the room "very impressive", it should have a space of at least around 25 (which still counts as "rather tight" in the game). E.g. a furnished bedroom with a 5x5 or 4×6 footprint would be fine, and a little smaller could still work, but it would be a challenge to get there with a 4x4 room.

What is the optimal farm size Rimworld? ›

A quick rule of thumb is to grow 10+ tiles of food crops per colonist in a biome with year-round growing. If the colony hunts as well, it will accumulate some food reserves, which can be saved for winter, fed to prisoners, or sold.

Does RimWorld ever end? ›

While RimWorld can be played for as long as you want, the game can come to an end in a few different ways. Counting all available DLC, there are 4 distinct ways to see the credits screen: Finding or building a ship to take you to the stars. Joining the court of the High Stellarch of the Empire.

Do children age faster RimWorld? ›

By default, children biologically age at 400% speed.

What age is fertile RimWorld? ›

For baseline humans without fertility-modifying genes, both men and women start becoming fertile after age 14; but regardless of fertility, pawns can't participate in reproduction until they are 16.

What is the maximum wealth in Rimworld? ›

The maximum wealth is 1,000,000 for the purposes of raid points, and the maximum number of raid points is 10,000. If one of these two caps are reached, then there is no point managing wealth any further.

What is the best source of income Rimworld? ›

Corn is the best crop for both human food/work and cash/work. It is actually more profitable per unit work than any crop in the game, including every drug. However, it cannot be processed any further, meaning it is reliant entirely on the grow cycle.

What is the fastest growing crop in Rimworld? ›

As another food option, rice has an incredibly quick growth time, making it ideal as an emergency food source for a struggling colony, or a colony that has just begun to establish itself. It also technically boasts the best nutrition per tile farmed in the game, although it is only a slight advantage.

Is there a way to play RimWorld multiplayer? ›

Hosting a RimWorld multiplayer server

Save the game, press escape, and click the Host button on your menu. Configure your desired settings on the Host window, and click host. When hosting through Steam, users can just connect through your Steam friends list.

Does mod work in multiplayer? ›

As far as we know, most mods should work in multiplayer. For confirmation, check the mod's page in our mods directory.

How many people can play RimWorld multiplayer mod? ›

**What is the maximum amount of players that can be online?** We recommend 8 players max, but there is no hardcoded limit. **Why does simulating take so long?** Simulations takes place from the last autosave made, so if you make a full save from the esc menu it'll eliminate the simulation time.

Can RimWorld be played coop? ›

How to Play RimWorld Multiplayer. While vanilla RimWorld doesn't offer online support, the modding community produced a solution! If you download Multiplayer from the RimWorld Workshop, specifically the one by Zetrith, you'll find a functional cooperative experience.

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.